Here’s a scenario that many people dread – being caught with your pants down or ‘butt naked‘. Let’s look at how you can make your butt look good naked so that you’ll be a little less fearful of this situation in the future.
Step 1: Work Towards Your Best Shape Yet
One of the main reasons why we dread the way we might look naked, is simply for the fact that we have no more ‘veil’, nothing to hide our bodies from the scrutiny of others.
It is definitely true that clothing can make the body look better, especially by choosing particular cuts, colors and fashions, it is possible to create the illusion of better features. But when you’re naked, all of that goes away. What is left?
Just you. Just your body. How do you shape up?
If you’re not happy with the way your butt looks naked, then it’s time to do something about it. Change your diet, introduce exercise, start a fitness program. Whatever it takes!
Get your body into shape, and then see what it has to offer you in return. I promise that you won’t be disappointed about looking (and feeling!) better.
Step 2: Get Immediately Sexier With This One Simple Factor
Okay, so you’ve started a new workout plan and are all on track to the new and improved you. But what can you do in the short term? It’s funny, there’s actually one secret ingredient to looking good naked, and if you miss it out then even the best looking people will struggle to pull off looking good naked.
The secret ingredient is available to everyone, and you can bring about changes from it instantly. How’s that for a good deal?
What is it? It’s confidence. Being confident in your body and feeling sexy will make you act, and automatically in turn, be, sexy! It’s such a simple factor but it really works. Exude confidence, and you’ll be well on your way to having a great looking butt, even if you are naked.
Step 3: Pump It Up Before Showtime
Here’s a little-known trick that can give you a bit of extra oomph to your booty. Bodybuilders use this all the time to pump up their muscles before showtime, and you can do the same. Perform a few exercises to shape up your butt, and this will bring blood flow into the area and increase the size of the muscle temporarily. Woo, now you “Swole”! (Bodybuilder speak, if I am not mistaken!)
Step 4: Cue Lights, Camera, Action
Your next biggest friend or foe can be a tricky one to get right, but with the right knowledge you can turn it into your best friend. I am talking about lighting of course.
Ever been in the situation where you look like a goddess one minute, then look not-so-great the next? I’ll bet lighting had something to do with it.
Choose lighting that will flatter your butt, in general you’ll want to steer clear of harsh fluorescent lighting and go instead for softer, warmer tones that can provide a nice smoothing effect on skin to downplay any cellulite.
Now, I’m not sure exactly what you’ll be doing once you’re naked, but you may also want to consider that some angles might be more flattering for you than others.
You’re All Set, Now Go Forth and Prosper!
Making your butt look good naked can seem a daunting task at first, but there are steps you can take to start making your butt look it’s best – with clothes or without!