This website is for informational purposes only and the information presented may be my personal opinion only. While every effort has been made to ensure the information presented on this site is accurate and correct, I cannot be held responsible for any errors which may be present.
You should consult a medical professional before undertaking any exercise program with the knowledge that all exercises can carry the potential risk of injury. It is your responsibility to evaluate your own physical condition and ability to perform any of the exercises presented on this website. I accept no responsibility for any injury or damage caused by your voluntarily undertaking the exercises or following the information presented on this website.
I would like to disclose that I do participate in and profit from affiliate programs on this site. This means if you click on an affiliate link from this site and purchase a product, I get a small percentage of the profits. This does not affect the price you pay, and despite this incentive I would like to let my readers know that I strive to maintain honesty in all products that I review.
Maintaining this website and writing product reviews is my hobby and online marketing helps me to earn a living. Thank you for supporting me!