Don’t know if you’ve heard of this one before, but if you haven’t, you will thank me for bring it to your attention. For me, it was the name that caught my interest (no surprises there), but the workouts which
Best Butt Exercises: The Bird Dog
Feeling like you need a bit of booty building action? This week in the Best Butt Exercises series, you’ll learn a great butt exercise that not only will help to tighten and tone that tush, but also firm up your tummy as
How to Build a Bigger Butt? Try “Build-A-Butt” – Review Inside!
Today I’d like to introduce you to another great home butt workout program – this one here caught my attention because of the name, but the bit I like best is how it rolls off the tongue ever so nicely (try
Best Butt Exercises: Plié Squats
This week in the Best Butt Exercises series, I chose to write about a staple butt exercise that is featured in a lot of butt workout programs! This week we’ll be doing the plié squat – a wide-stance squat with
Home Workouts For Glutes
So you’ve decided you want a better butt, made a firm resolution and are already picturing the beautifully shaped behind that you’re going to have. But wait.. what about if you don’t have or can’t afford a gym membership? Never
Black Mountain Resistance Bands Review
Resistance bands are one of my favorite pieces of home exercise equipment and I really believe they are a must-have if you want the option to work out at home. I decided to write a Black Mountain resistance bands review
Best Butt Exercises: L-Sit Lying Leg Raises
It’s that time of the week again, time for another awesome butt exercise to add to the Best Butt Exercise index! I have an excellent move for you this week, that I think you will be impressed with if you’re
“Buns of Steel” Workout – Lives Up to the Name!
Today, for something different, I thought I’d bring the ’80s back to life (at least in my living room) and give the original ‘Buns of Steel’ workout video by Greg Smithey a spin. If you haven’t heard of it before,
Best Butt Exercises: One-Legged Glute Bridge
For this week’s best butt exercise we will be building on a classic butt exercise, the glute bridge. This week, we’ll be taking it to the next level and you’ll be learning how to do the more advanced version of the glute bridge: